Speedcubing Nederland is in charge of the organisation of WCA European Championship 2020, under the supervision of the World Cube Association (WCA).
Core Team
The central organisation committee consists of four staff and board members of Speedcubing Nederland, reinforced with three valuable and appreciated organisers from abroad. We all work as volunteers. Meet the team!

Hans Bennis
Staff Speedcubing Nederland
WCA Euro 2020
Heleen van de Ree
Board Speedcubing Nederland
WCA Euro 2020
Henrik Buus Aagaard
Senior delegate Nordic and Baltic countries, WCA board
WCA Euro 2020
Philippe Virouleau
Senior delegate for Africa
WCA Euro 2020
Ron van Bruchem
Co-founder WCA, board Speedcubing Nederland
WCA Euro 2020
Ronald Mansveld
Staff WCA, organiser for UKCA
WCA Euro 2020
Sandra de Geeter
Chair Speedcubing Nederland, leader Core Team
WCA Euro 2020Coordinators

Anja Deij-Provoost
Side program
WCA Euro 2020
James Molloy
Live stream (reporting)
WCA Euro 2020
Reinier Schippers
Live stream (technics)
WCA Euro 2020
Hilde Endeveld
WCA Euro 2020
Antonie Paterakis
Social media
WCA Euro 2020
Mats Valk
WCA Euro 2020
Margreet Bennis
WCA Euro 2020Delegates/staff team leaders

Alberto Masó Molina
WCA Euro 2020
Daniel Vædele Egdal
WCA Euro 2020
Laura Ohrndorf
WCA Euro 2020
Manu Vereecken
WCA Euro 2020
Oleg Gritsenko
WCA Euro 2020
Philippe Virouleau
WCA Euro 2020
Radu Fãciu
WCA Euro 2020
Sébastien Auroux
WCA Euro 2020Subscribe to the mailinglist and stay tuned!
Almere, considered the youngest and most innovative city in the Netherlands, is located just across the IJmeer from Amsterdam.
The city has only existed for almost 45 years. Almere is as old as the Rubik’s Cube!